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근전도 검사결과 해석좀해주세요 Peripheral nerve conduction studies, Not elicitable sensory nerve action potential for right radial nerve. Prolonged latency and low amplitude of amplitude of compound m

강도를만나 팔을 칼로 다쳤습니다 근전도 검사 결과가 궁금합니다

Peripheral nerve conduction studies, Not elicitable sensory nerve action potential for right radial nerve. Prolonged latency and low amplitude of amplitude of compound muscle action potential for right radial nerve. 2.Electromyelographic studies: Abnormal spontaneous activities are noted in right extensor carpi radialis longus, right extensor carpi radialis brevis and right extensor indicis propus muscles. Decrease motor units action potentials are noted in right extensor pollocis longus, right extensor pollicis brevi right extensor carpi radialis longus, right extensor carpi radialis brevis and right extensor indicis propus muscles


Re :근전도 검사결과 해석좀해주세요 Peripheral nerve conduction studies, Not elicitable sensory nerve action potential for right radial nerve. Prolonged latency and low amplitude of amp
김주현 하이닥 스코어: 14
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