신경외과 전문의 순천향대학교 졸업 현) 순천향대학교 부천병원 신경외과 교수 전) Chief of Neurosurgery Nonsan Military Hospital 전) Clinical Fellow in spine section; Asan Medical Center(AMC) 전) Instructor, assistant professor, Soonchunhyang University buchen Hospital, Department of Neurosurgery Visiting professor, University of Washington Physiology-Biophysics, National Primate Research Center, Seattle
Member activities Permanent member of Neurological Surgery(1997) Permanent member of Neuro-Pain Society(2002) Permanent member of Neurotraumatology Society(2002) Permanent member of Korean Spinal Neurosurgery Society (2004) Trustee of the Korean Spinal Neurosurgery Society (2007) Review board of Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society(2007) Permanent member of Korean Cervical Spinal Research Society (2008) Review board of Korean Journal of Spine(2009)